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What is Onco-psychiatry?

Onco-psychiatry is a specialized field that focuses on the mental health care of individuals who have cancer or are undergoing cancer treatment. Cancer is associated with Psychiatric disorders and affects patients.

Psychiatric disorders mainly, major depressive disorders, delirium, hypomania, age, past history of chemotherapy, past history of radiotherapy, & surgical treatment of carcinomas are significantly associated with psychiatric disorders.

Psychological interventions alleviate the distress of Cancer patients and provisions of psychological support is an important component in the care of Cancer patients.

Kolhapur cancer Centre provides intensive psychological counselling by Dr. Sneha Harshe an Onco-Psychiatrist for these kind of patients which gives them strength and inner power to overcome the stress and anxiety because of the disease.Psychiatric oncology deals with psychiatric and psychosocial aspects of cancer, which is be related to the development, course, or outcome of cancer and its management.

For any cancer related query, concern or help, just call us

What we do?

  • Here we have experts in mental health (psychiatry and psychology) to help patients and cope with the psychological and behavioral impact of cancer.
  • Integration of this service into routine oncology represents a major step forward in terms of ‘care of the whole patient and family’!
  • KCC is one of the few cancer centres in India with this service!

What is the Need?

  • Cancer patients and caregivers face lot of psychological distress at every stage of cancer. diagnosis, investigations, therapy, surgery, palliation…etc.
  • Cancer treatment including surgery (e.g. Amputation) / chemo/radiation may lead to functional and psychological disturbances
  • A psychopathological condition can be diagnosed, according to recent data in the literature, in 25–50% of cancer patients. Different phases of the illness trajectory can trigger emotional distress and the onset of psychological disorders, as reported in the US National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) distress management guidelines. In the Indian setting, 38% to 53% of cancer patients were found to have identifiable psychiatric disorder.
  • Management of psychological issues (using medications + therapy) has shown significant improvement in quality of life of patients, improve treatment adherence and overall outcome in cancer patients and relatives.
  • Behavioural disturbances in CNS tumours
  • Tobacco and alcohol addiction
  • Support for caregiversPain & Palliation
  • Support for caregivers

We Are One Of The Most Advanced Cancer Centre at Kolhapur.

Advanced Cancer Care

1,00,000+ Patients

20+ Expert Oncologists

How do we work?

  • Routine screening for anxiety and depression in chemotherapy patients.
  • Diagnosis and management of psychological issues in patients referred from all departments with evidence based approach.
  • Management of sleep problems and pain to improve quality of life
  • Substance withdrawal management with deaddiction.
  • Counselling and therapy services
  • Pharmacotherapy for psychiatric problems

In our specialized onco-psychiatry consultation we treat the person , not just the disease!


  • In our specialized onco-psychiatry consultation we treat the person , not just the disease!
  • Routine screening for anxiety and depression in chemotherapy patients.
  • Diagnosis and management of psychological issues in patients referred from all departments with evidence based approach.
  • Management of sleep problems and pain to improve quality of life
  • Substance withdrawal management with de-addiction.
  • Counselling and therapy services
  • Pharmacotherapy for psychiatric problems